Microblading Final Touch Up
45 min - $0
The microblading touch up is the final follow up appointment done 4 weeks after the second session. This appointment is used to make meticulous adjustments.
What to expect?
After Microblading, expect your brows to darken slightly for a few days before lightening within a week. We will discuss aftercare during your visit! Limit exercise and sweating for a week to prevent pigment loss. Avoid all Alpha Hydroxy acid products, retinoids, and exfoliating treatments for two weeks prior and after treatment. Refrain from chemical/laser peels or Botox for six weeks before Microblading. These precautions optimize your results.
**The semi- permanent hair strokes fade gradually over the course of 12-18 months. Touch-ups every 7-9 months are recommended to keep brows looking fresh and consistent**
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What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.